Tuesday, February 16, 2016

Ready for the Second Coming?

A commenter on a recent post declared that the Lord was "the biggest progressive/liberal in history," and asked, "Are you ready for the Second Coming?" This was essentially my reply: Jesus was a progressive, in that he challenged the Jews of his culture to see the Almighty in a new way, and to integrate the demands of Law with those of Love. He was not "progressive" in the contemporary sense of seeking greater and greater civil authority over people, He didn't say, "Sell all your neighbor has and give to the poor." He didn't advocate for immorality, corruption, or covetousness; he said, "Go and sin no more." The progressives of *his* day are more comparable to the money-changers he drove from the Temple. Yes, Jesus was a radical, in the original sense of the term (radix = root). He calls us to return to our true roots, union with and obedience to Almighty God. Politics have zero to do with it. He said to pay your taxes, obey secular laws unless sinful, and pray for civil rulers. A simple program for political life. In a democratic republic, we have the additional obligation to vote and to support just laws. But the earth is not our home; it's a bus station waiting room, complete with characters. Hell, yes, I am ready for the Parousia! I will turn 70 this month; not many do-overs left for me, so I commend myself to the mercy of God and pray for a holy death. The Lord will come, for me at least, relatively soon. Maranatha! Come, Lord Jesus!

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